Recovering Workaholics is an organization set up for those of us who have proved ourselves to be very successful in our career but realize that work simply isn't enough. It is designed for people who are used to being in high- powered positions and have concentrated on building a career rather than a life.

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Research into workaholics who have achieved a "Work-Life Balance" found that many only achieved true fulfilment and balance after a crisis had made them completely rethink their priorities. Health scares were high on the list. Damaged relationships were common too.

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Our interpretation of the world is based on the set of beliefs we have about ourselves and our relationship with the world. If we believe we are lucky, we are much more likely to actually be lucky.

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If it happens occasionally it is likely to cause some minor irritation or inconvenience which is short lived. But if it has become the way of life it can be extremely damaging to our sense of self worth and in some contexts our health and well being.

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When you are feeling at your most alive – raring to go and full of passion and energy – what are you doing? When you feel tired and out of sorts, pulled down and exhausted what is at the bottom of your lack of energy?

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Consider why you have developed your particular work habits and your response to stress. There are as many reasons as there are people. For many people there are a number of complicated reasons which stack one on another.

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We all lead incredibly busy lives. Almost every one you speak to complains that they are short of time and have too much to do. For many of us the way in which we deal with our “To Do” list can add to our sense of overwhelm leading to high levels of stress and a diminished sense of self worth.

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Much is spoken and written about wealth. Many of us dream about having a life style supported by unlimited funds, indeed this is the basis for lotteries run world wide. There is a paradox too in the research which has been done looking at the levels of happiness and satisfaction of those who have earned or won large sums of money. Money it seems, fails to buy a sense of fulfilment and contentment for a high proportion of those who attain their dream of being rich.

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I wonder if you feel truly fulfilled? Do you look forward every day with glorious anticipation to the day ahead? Does your heart sink at the thought of what the next day will bring? Do you love bits of your life and wish that the rest of your life matched up?

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The power of anticipation is amazing. It is a skill you can learn and if employed on a regular basis it enables you to maximise the resources at your disposal and helps you to manage your time effectively. It changes your mode of operation from one of fire fighting to one which allows time for strategic planning. The strategies work in every walk of life.

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