Gina Gardiner
2-Time #1 International Best Selling Author

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Do you find yourself struggling and unhappy? Are there recurring issues that continue to seem to get in the way of your ability to be happy and remain happy? Maybe you have tried other self-help or personal development courses but nothing has really stuck. Nothing has shown you how to get happy, stay happy and be able to spread happy about you?”


Is this You?

  • Do you feel unhappy, isolated or alone, unseen and unheard in their personal or professional life.
  • Are you unhappily single or are recently separated, divorced or bereaved?
  • Or maybe you are in a significant relationship and yet feel you have no one to share their vulnerabilities and dreams with.
  • Are you wrestling with the guilt of being a working parent and worry about the impact this has on your family.
  • Perhaps you feel isolated professionally. Are you fearful of letting your guard down at work in case it is seen as a sign of weakness or do you feel under-valued and unheard?
  • Perhaps you fear failure or perhaps you hide your true potential as you fear success?
If so, The Thriving Together Tribe will be able to help you.


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What if you learnt a formula that could give you practical tips and techniques for developing a happier life, and keeping that happiness present in your life. In fact, making you feel happily abundant enough to begin spreading happiness wider. The Thrive Together Tribe can give you this formula. Let me introduce you to the 5 Secret Pathways that, learning how best to “walk” them, will give you a happier, more successful and fulfilling life:

The 5 Secret Pathways...



Self-belief and confidence underpin everything in life. You are the common denominator in the whole of your life. If you believe you will fail it is a done deal.

Believe you can and the world becomes full of exciting possibilities.

Develop a great sense of self-esteem and a raft of empowering beliefs!

Love & Relationships

Every relationship you have is a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself, so creating a loving relationship with yourself lays a great foundation for creating and maintaining lasting, loving relationships with a partner and positive relationships with family, friends, colleagues and your boss.

Learn how to change unhelpful patterns of behaviour and to love who you are.

Personal & Professional Success

Fear of failing or fear of success can keep you stuck but it doesn't have to be that way! Highly successful people have a number of characteristics in common.

You can employ the same approach and achieve sustained success in your life.

It is time to step into your true power to live a fearless life We can show you how..



Changes & Transitions

There are three constants in life: death, taxes and change. Life's changes and transitions can be incredibly challenging, a new job, redundancy, illness, disability, separation, divorce, children leaving home, retirement, or bereavement to name but a few.

Feeling supported and learning some simple strategies can help you navigate challenges and deal more easily with the anxiety, stress, grief and negative emotions they create.

It is not the challenge which defines you but how you deal with it.

Purpose & Fulfilment

So many people get to a point in their lives when they think: "Is this it?" Recognising your purpose and living it, brings a significant sense of joy and fulfillment.

Fulfilment is one of the benefits of learning to be a human being rather than a human doing. Learning to enjoy the journey rather than dashing from goal to goal is an important step in our spiritual journey.

We are all spiritual beings, developing a sense of self and exploring your spiritual identity adds an exciting and meaningful dimension to your life.


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The Thrive Tribe Map


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What is The "Thrive Together Tribe?"

An on-line training programme that also offers an exclusive  membership group offering a place where members will :

  • be nurtured and supported by like-minded people
  • ​discover lots of great ideas, strategies and inspiration
  • ​enjoy regular on-line sessions with great content and interactive group coaching
  • ​grow among people who value who you are
Life can be tough. It is all too easy for people to focus on all the negatives with so much division and separation around. We have decided now is the time to create a new movement designed to nurture and support people who want to get the very best out of life.


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The Thrive Together Tribe training programme will bring people together, to focus on the positive and what we can do, rather than what we can’t. It is for those who want to feel happy and confident. Those who want to see the possibilities and take charge of the quality of their life and who are prepared to help others to do the same.

The Genuinely-You Thrive Together Tribe isn’t JUST a course. It’s a journey, a place where people can access great information and proven strategies, designed to help them feel HAPPIER, confident, empowered and well-resourced. Ready to manage the challenges life inevitably brings.

The Thrive Together Tribe also includes an exclusive, private support group. Help and support comes from Gina and the Genuinely-You team, and from other tribe members too. This is a programme that will make you feel valued in a completely non-judgemental environment.

Research has shown that making lasting change is far more successful when you are supported and challenged through the process. The Thrive Together Tribe Programme will help you do just that!


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Are You Looking for a Life Which is Happier and More Fulfilling, Where You Can Hold on to the Happy and Help Spread the Happy Around Too?

What's Included in Your VIP Membership:


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Welcome Kit It includes a themed Journal and Map


As soon as you join you will be given access to Your Membership Area with lots of resources.
You have digital access to your Thriving Together 'Survival Kit' with lots of things to help you on your journey!
It includes a themed Journal and Map you can download.

 Get Started Now!

Thriving Not Surviving eBook and Audio Book

The 5 Secret Pathways To Happiness, Success and Fulfilment


Life offers lots of challenges, detours and seeming dead ends, these can stop you in your tracks, causing you to get stuck in the morass of feeling overwhelmed or they can act as the impetus to achieve a better way of being. That is where “Thriving Not Surviving” is there to help you. It offers you a SAT NAV to help you reach your deepest desires more easily, and gives you lots of examples of where people, just like you, have used the principles and strategies to navigate their way through life’s challenges.

It is important to remember that you remain in the driving seat. It is up to you how fast you go, where you begin your journey and which elements you want to focus on.

The book can help you to learn to challenge your habitual way of being and how to establish different more empowering approaches.

 Get Started Now!

Thrive Course Digital Including Activity Workbooks


What if you learnt a formula that could give you practical tips and techniques for developing a happier life, and keeping that happiness present in your life. In fact, making you feel happily abundant enough to begin spreading happiness wider. The Thriving Not Surving Program can give you this formula. Start with The 7 Principles and The 7 Connecting Themes and move onto the 5 Secret Pathways that, learning how best to “walk” them, will give you a happier, more successful and fulfilling life.

  • The 7 Principles
  • The 7 Connecting Themes
  • Confidence
  • Love & Relationships
  • Personal & Professional Success
  • Changes & Transitions
  • Purpose & Fulfilment

 Get Started Now!

PEP Weekly Valued @ $17


Take the PEP Weekly Challenge to dramatically reduce your stress and feelings of anxiety.
Key reasons why PEP Weekly

  • Tried and tested strategies proven to help
  • Reduce the impact of stress
  • Deal with anxiety
  • Increase self confidence
  • Simple and easy to incorporate into daily life
  • Something to suit everyone
  • Require no equipment
  • Take positive action to deal with feeling anxious or stressed.

 Get Started Now!

Private Facebook Group


The Thrive Together dedicated Face Book Group where members can share their goals, share any fears or difficulties they are facing, track their progress and celebrate their successes.

Gina and the Thrive Together Tribe team will offer ideas, support, challenge, witness and accountability.

 Get Started Now!

Genuinely You TV Show


Step Into Your Power!

The "Genuinely You Show" hosted by Gina Gardiner takes you on a journey of discovery to find your genuine self and how you can have the confidence to let go of fear, and the stress and frustration of constantly trying to save the day and at the same time achieve ongoing happiness and fulfilment.


 Get Started Now!



In a Nutshell:



In broad terms, the programme facilitates each participant' s journey to consistent happiness, personal and professional success, purpose and fulfilment.

On a weekly basis, Tribe Members are given access to new videos, activities and written resources. These are divided into bite-size chunks which are easy to incorporate into your busy lives.

The themes are echoed in the Tribe Member's Journal.





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Maybe You’re Thinking The Thriving Together Tribe Programme Isn’t For You Because…

“It’s going to take up too much time” – be reassured that the programme is entirely self-led and will take only a few hours per week

“It’s going to cost too much”

“I’ve tried other happiness training programmes in the past and nothing has worked with the problems I have…”

“I’m not sure I want to be involved in the Facebook Group, I feel a bit shy and embarrassed about my issues”

“I fear that I might find the programme too hard and I will end up giving up”

“What if I do the programme and then a couple of years later, I find myself repeating my same old unhappiness-bad-habits?” – your membership to the Thriving Together Tribe Programme is for life. Once you’ve paid the membership fee you will have access to the content and to the private membership group for life. We will always be there for you to return and turn to whenever you feel the need for a tribe to have your back

Research on this is in the very early stages. If you are aware of any organisations which would be suitable, I would be grateful if you would send me their details.

Currently, our thinking is that we would like to provide funding, as an interest-free loan to help get a project started. Once the loan was repaid, the funds would be redirected to support the next project and so on.

Where the project involves appropriate products e.g. jewellery we could potentially have an online shop, where Thrive Together members could purchase the pieces for themselves or to give as gifts.

In the future, it may be possible for Thrive Together members, who wished to get more involved, to do so. What shape that would take, will depend on how the wider Thrive Together Tribe develops.

Introducing Gina Gardiner
CEO of Genuinely-You

I believe it is incredibly important to recognise that we are all connected, to look at how we can support and help one another from a place of love. For people to step into their genuine, authentic power, to have the courage to live a fearless life.


Imagine being paralysed and later having to learn to walk not once but twice as an adult, and having the strength and determination to come back from this learning to be happy again.

Gina suffered a serious ski accident aged 29. She was unwilling to accept the prognosis given by her doctors.  She knew that her mind-set was key to keeping her life on track, keeping her happy, successful and fulfilled even when dealing with the worst effects of the challenges her health and being in a wheelchair.

Gina's books and business takes her life experience and highly effective mindset techniques and encapsulates her 30+ years of coaching, training and teaching into transformational strategies and techniques that will enable you to get happy, stay happy and spread happiness throughout your life.


Some Kind Words...
What Our Members Are Saying About Gina...


"Working with Gina Gardiner has been a great experience. She recently delivered a fantastic session at our London membership event. Her knowledge, examples and presentation on mind-set really captured our audience, with lots of positive feedback. I would highly recommend working with Gina to anyone."

- Amanda Rosewarne CEO & Co-Founder, The CPD Standards Office


Bronwyn Nash

Jolly Datts

Louise Richardson


Sally Cutmore

Maggie Johnson

Welcome! I'm an "AI version" of Gina's brain. Ask me anything...