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Welcome to the Thriving Not Surviving radio show with Gina Gardiner. My guest today is Michael Cahill and our topic is "Coherence between the left and right brain and how leadership requires both!"

Michael Cahill is a trainer, coach and facilitator who blends a rich and deep knowledge of NLP, Systemic Coaching, Time to Think, and the Enneagram with his considerable experience of business and invstment, to inspire change, growth and transformation. He spent 16 years in the city as an equity analyst and is author of the highly acclaimed 'The Financial Times Guide to Making the Right Investment Decisions'. This understanding of investment combined with an extensive knowledge of coaching and systems allows him to work effectively facilitating workships, teaching NLP and systemic coaching, as well as one-on-one coaching.

**and in the second half of the show, I have a "Genuine Chat", alongside my good friend, author Rachel Davidson. In today's show, our topic is "Communication"'.**

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