  1. Do you feel your life's dream is fulfilled?
  2. What gives you the most satisfaction in your life?
  3. Is there anything, which would make it more complete?

Now complete the Satisfaction Wheel of Life below. 
For each area of your life colour the rings in, starting from the centre. 
Each ring is worth 1 out of a possible 10, 
total satisfaction would be 10 out of 10.

The Satisfaction Wheel of Life

If your satisfaction wheel of life is one of complete balance and fulfilment, congratulations!

If one or more segments leave you feeling your life is incomplete, please read on.

When was the last time you had fun? 

Now is the time to ensure your life is enriched and fulfilled.

There are a number of blogs centred around recovering workaholics on our site - starting with this one.

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